Do you know how long this Dragon Ball Shenron is?
- There are 10-11 belly fragments. All of the fragments move every second of the ending video. The fragment length is 1 meter (3 ft) in the assumption that the fragment equal to gohan length (If you get another assumption just changes the multiplier). Look at the picture :

- The ending video length is 1 min. 30 sec. (90 sec). Every 10 fragments moves each second, so in the end of the video we will have 900 fragments of shenron belly.
- And the conclusion is :
- The length of Shenron is : 10 fragment * 1 mtr * 90 sec equal to 900 mtr (0,9 km)
- But till the end of the ending video the belly is still moving, and i didn't see his tail. So this is only a part of his body, not the entire length of Shenron. haha.
- So Shenron Length is more than 1 km.
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